Terms & Conditions


All text, images, graphics, animation, video, music, data, and other materials on this website are subject to copyright and other intellectual property 

rights of www.bodykreme.com, its subsidiaries, affiliates or licensors. These materials  - except copying a posted image or text or sharing via email  a posted image

 or text with someone else - may not be copied, reproduced, distributed, modified, licensed, or reposted to other websites without the express written 

permission of www.bodykreme.com. Systematic retrieval of data or other content from this website to create or compile a collection, database or compilation 

without prior written permission from www.bodykreme.com is strictly prohibited.


www.bodykreme.com and its respective logos, as well as other trademarks and service marks (collectively, the "marks") appearing on this website 

are marks of www.bodykreme.com, its subsidiaries, affiliates or licensors.

Fees and Remittances

Posting or reposting an item for sale or a help wanted advertisement is essentially free of charge on Bodykreme. However, if you elect to have 

your sale payments  be processed by us , there is a processing fee of 7.50% on the sale amount excluding the shipping fee. Note that 

www.bodykreme.com reserves the right to change the free-of-charge policy at any time  by posting schedule of fees under the caption Schedule of Fees.

 In terms of remittances, when you elect to have the  payments of your items for sale  processed by us, after retaining 7.50% of the gross sale, we will deposit the proceeds in the bank account that you indicated on the uploading form at the time of listing your items for 

sale. 15 to 17 days after you verify that the applicable items have been shipped to the buyers.

Schedule of Fees

  Posting ------------------------------------------------------------$0


Payment processing-------------------------------------------7.5% of gross sale


Rights and Obligations

Every single time  you visit our website. you agree , in an implied fashion, to abide by our terms of use and privacy policies. You also agree not to post 

items with sexually explicit contents - such items are strictly prohibited on our website.

Body Kreme reserves the right to take down a post at any time it sees fit. Our pledge to you, as users of our website, is that we will continue to do 

all we can to keep your personally sensitive information safe. Also, will not share or market any personal data that we collect in www.bodykreme.com with any entities unless we are legally bound to do so.